The global organic food and beverages market has grown rapidly over the last decades while the demand for organic produce is rising globally. The reasons consumers are increasingly choosing organic over conventional products vary, including personal health and well-being, animal welfare impact, or environmental concerns. However, there is also a common belief that organically grown food is healthier or more nutritious than conventionally grown food.
What do scientific studies show?
Conventional farming
Conventional farming relies on chemical intervention. This means that farmers exclude pesticides and weeds from the plants by using synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. These ways of farming may cause increased greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution, and soil erosion and threaten human health in general. Conventional produce seems to have twice the levels of cadmium, mercury, & lead and high doses of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers compared to organic produce.
Organic farming
Organic farmers avoid genetically modified crops and most synthetic materials, including pesticides & antibiotics. Organic producers rely on natural techniques first used thousands of years ago, such as crop rotations, and implement a wide range of strategies adapted to local conditions to develop and maintain biodiversity.
Organic farming has a smaller carbon footprint, improves soil quality, replenishes natural ecosystems for cleaner water and air, and provides safe and healthy conditions for farm animals. Overall, organic foods have been shown to have lower levels of toxic metabolites and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
How can you be sure that the “organic” food you’re buying is organic?
The most reliable way to know if your produce is organic is to check for the official EU organic logo on the package (the white leaf on a green background). This logo means that the product is certified by the European Commission and contains at least 95% organic ingredients. However, some countries have created their own organic logos.
Is organic food more nutritious?
It's significant to emphasize that the benefits of eating conventional fruits and vegetables outweigh whatever subtle risks you may get from pesticides.
In terms of antioxidant content, organic produce may be considered 20-40% healthier than conventionally grown ones because of their elevated antioxidant levels. Organic fruits & veggies appear to have more nontraditional nutrients, like polyphenol antioxidants. In terms of nutrient content, it seems that organic produce is not significantly higher in vitamins or minerals compared to nonorganic foods.
However, future clinical research is needed in the long term to determine whether or not measurable health benefits exist. Keep in mind that organic doesn’t always mean healthy. A package of chips is still junk food, even if it was produced organically.
Downsides of choosing organic
The most common concern regarding organic food is its cost. Organic produce often costs more than conventional-grown food. Higher prices are due to more costly ways of farming. Organic farming tends to be more expensive than conventional farming.
If you have the opportunity go for organic to reduce your pesticide exposure. However, this will not reduce your exposure entirely. Otherwise, buy your weekly supplies from your local farmer's market and choose seasonal fruits and vegetables.
At home fruit and vegetable wash
I have an easy & effective eco-friendly solution for you!
You can make your fruit & veggie wash at home which removes the bulk of pesticide residues.
· Add one part of salt or white vinegar to nine parts of water in a bowl
· Let the fruits and veggies soak for some minutes
· Then rinse and scrub them under running water before eating
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